Wednesday, November 2, 2011

read slowly my friends !

I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. don't be afraid to TELL someone you love them. if you do , they might break your heart . if you don't , you might break theirs .

What would you do if every time you feel in love you had to say GOOD BYE ?

What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there ?

What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt ? how much you love them .

What would you do if you never got the chance to say i am your friends with all of your family and they know I love them?

People live . people die . I want to tell you that you are a friend .

If you died tomorrow ( God Forbid ) YOU WOULD BE IN MY HEART . WOULD I BE IIN YOURS ?

We might be best friends one years , pretty good friends the next year , don't talk that often the next , and don't want to talk at all the year after that .

So I just wanted to say , even if I never talk to you again in my life , YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME and you have made a difference in my life .

I look up to you , respect you , truly cherish you , most of all I CARE about friends .

Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them , and tell new friends you will .

Remember , everyone needs a friend sameday . you might feel like you have no friends at all , just remember this and take comfort in knowing somebody out there CARES ABOUT YOU AND ALWAYS WILL ...



td aku bace post lame2 kat blog ak nih, teringat plak dulu penah ada satu isu yg buat semua org bengang sampai apa yg tak patut pon keluar. hahaha lawak la. siyes kiter semua tak matang ohw. haha

bieha,fae korg engat tak. blog ak ni dulu cm tempat cari gadoh. haha dah tiga tahun ak merapu kat blog ni ohw. haha

yg lepas tuh lepas.kan? ak dah tak rasa apa2 da pon. haha itu membuktikan aku semakin matang dalam kehidupan. betul tak ?

#korek hidung tanda setuju ! XD

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

superstitious again =,=''


1) Memeluk Bantal

Mereka yang suka memeluk bantal biasanya berjiwaseni. Mereka mempunyai penghargaan yang tinggi terhadaplukisan, muzik dan sastera.Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa mereka romantik.Kadangkala ada yang boleh membaca peristiwa yang akan berlaku melaluimimpi. Mereka juga sangat prihatin terhadap kesusilaan.

2) Menggunakan Banyak Bantal

Mereka biasanya kurang kenyakinan. Dalamkehidupan seharian mereka memerlukan banyak pendamping. Merekajarang membuat keputusan sendiri, sebaliknya mendapatkanpandangan orang lain.

3) Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal

Mereka bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan bolehmenerima keadaan seadanya. Mereka juga membuat keputusanberdasarkan fikiran dan bukan nafsu semata-mata.

4) Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki

Mereka mempunyai sifat kurang baik. Mereka jarangbergaul dgn org ramai, malah kaku dalam pergaulan. Inimenyebabkan mereka cenderung bersifat egois. Mereka juga gemarmenempuh jalan pintas untuk mencapai cita2. Mereka tdk suka berusaha.

5) Tidur tanpa Bantal

Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yang sangattinggi.Kadangkala sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akanmembawa kepada sifat ego.

#aku nombor 3. korang? haha