Monday, May 23, 2011

saket jiwe!

pening tgk kawan2 dpt pg tmpat bez.

manakala ak dirumah masih terperuk n berantam ngn family ak..terok2..

semalam ak doa mintak2 kalo ak dpt mana2 pas ni jauh2 sket..

doa ak di ak lak yg keberatan..



ak x maksodkan sejauh tuh..huhuuh..

ak xpenah g jauh smpai stu.. yela,kawan xde,membe xde, sedare mara xde...

hanya diriku seorang!

tp ayh ak lak keberatan..macm xpercaya kat ak..tuh wat ak lg semangat nak pergi..

tp ak ta dpt buat pilihan agy senanya.. Ya Allah, bantulah hamba mu ini...huhuhu

ayh,abg n mak ak kater,

IPB je la.. tp tuh korg taw la...swasta under uitm la..

ak pon cm nak gak..sbb dekat..senang..

tp ramai kater amek la ipta..

tp ade yg kate mane2 pon same..

yg penting ak blaja sungguh2..

ader yg kater xpayah..

ader yg kater rezki uh kat serawak..jgn sia2 kan..

tapi aper yg penting ap kata aty ak kata?

ak tataw!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


  1. fine - this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

  2. five minutes - if she is getting dressed this means half an hour. 5 minutes is only 5 minutes if you have just been given 5 minutes to watch a game before helping around the house.

  3. nothing - this is the calm before the storm. this means something.

  4. go ahead - this is dare not permission. don't do it.

  5. loud sigh - this is act a word but not usually understand by men. it means she think you are an idiot and thinking why she is wasting her times standing here and arguing with you about nothing.

  6. that's okey - one of the most dangerous statement a women can make to a man. thats means she want to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

  7. thanks - a women is thanking do not question or faint, just say welcome. unless she say thank a lot, do not reply with you are welcome. that will bring to a 'whatever'.

  8. whatever - the way of saying f--- you!

  9. dont worry about it, i got it - this is something when women ask man to do thing several times but she is doing herself. this is later result in a man asking ' whats wrong?' . fot the women responsed refer to no3.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

korg rase x?

korg rase x apa aku rase?? ak rindu kawan2 ak..akhir2 ni bila pk ja..ak sedey sgt..5tahun pegi macam tuh ja..ak xnk hilang korg..ak xnk cari yg len.. tapi siyes doh korg terbek pnyer.. dari dulu agy..susah senang korg ader..
ATIN, kiter kawan dari fom1 ..gadoh jap..pastu bek balek.. kiter rapat sgt,smpaikan ap ko nyer ak nyer,ap ak nyer ko nyer..kdang2 ak xkisa kene ap2 n susa ap2 asalkan ko senyum..ko penah sedey dulu sal 1benda uh,,ko muram je. ak pon jadi mram.. tiap2 mase ak pk ap nak wat smpai ko ok..then ko da ok..ak hepi gler.. ak taw kdg2 ak tlanjur ckp then ko kecik aty,tp ko sba je kan? ko layan gak ak cm bese..ak hargai sahabat, salah silap kita die trime n maafkan... thanx!
FAEZAH, kte kenal tyme fom2,sbb ko bdk baru kuar asama same cm ak..ari2 rehat same,makan tghari same,solat same, ak pnjam buku ko wat keje sekolah..tiru hasil kerja ko,sekali pon ko x penah mara,padahal ak ni amek kesempatan ko ok je..ko lak salu buat ak,lepas geram kat ak..ak trime je..sbb ak nk sgt ko hepi,ta kesa ak saket ak berbaloi,ak bahagia..dekat2 nak spm kiter gadoh, ak taw ader gak salah ak..ak ego,,padahal malam2 ak nanges pk knpe kiter leh gadoh,,jahat nyer ak, ta hargai kawan cm ko. skng ak nyesal sgt,, tp kiter da ok kan? syukur sgt3~ ak xnk jd cm uh dah!
BIEHA,kiter ni da rapat adek bradek..xpenah gadoh..ak ske tgk ko..byk yg ak blaja kat ko..ak xpenah saket aty ngn ko..ap pon ko wat ko jge aty ak... tp ak? ckp men lepas je ko x penah amek aty.. syg kat ko!
TABOO, kiter 1 dorm dulu. ak engat ko sombong, tp skng kiter kawan bek lak..xpenah gadoh an? ko bek gler ngn ak..ko satu2 nye yg ak ta brani sakat lebey2..sebab ko mudah tersentuh.. tp ak tetap ngam ngn ko!!
DILLO, ak salu sakat ko, ak ase serbe salah tp hakiakat nye ak xleh hidup klo x sakat ko..ak rindu n sayang ko ary2.. ak xreti nak tnjuk dgn hug ko ke ap ak tnjuk ngn berkasa n sakat ko. ko x amek aty pon..tabah nyer ko layan ak an? ak betol2 hargai..
PANA, kiter 1 kelas dari fom1 an? bek nyer! haha ko gler2 nyer kasa.. so ak pon kasa blek..kadang2 due2 makan ok je..tuh la klo dah kawan ap pon ok..terima kasih pana! ak rindu ko usap2 pale ak..walopon ko kasa,kdg2 ko ske manjekan ak..ikot je ak nak ap.. ak rindu benda uh!
ESAH, ko ni mcm kak yg ak hormat n syg..ap pndapat ko pon ak ak ko jge ak mcm adek sniri..ak still nak kakk mcm ko ader salu ngn ak..mcm mane klo ak salah jalann pasni? sape nak tego? huhuhu
ANISA, dulu ak engt ko kaki kecoh ader skali uh ak ader prob..ko tenagnkan ak..ak lege sgt.. ak terharu sgt.. ap2 hal pon ko minah kepoh terbek! haha
AISHAH RADHI, kawan ak yg plg jge adab n jge adab ak skali..ak tatw la klo xde die cmne ak nak blaja hidup sopan..sentiasa ader tok bgtaw ak ap buruk n ap baik..sentiasa sokong ak.. xmgkin ader gantimu~
AQILAH, sahabat yg sentiasa ader tok betolkan kesalahan ak..die ta takot tegor ak..kdg2 ak malu sgt ngn itulah,syg kan shabat,tegor mereka,, ak try jd mcm ap yg ko harapkan..ak ader try..mgkin ak akn usaha lg!
PAH, kawan ak plg sweet skali, takan ader dah yg secomel ko! haha
LAIN2, korg shabat ak jgk..cume keadaan x mengizinkan ak tulis semua kebaekan korg... ap yg ak nak smpai kan kat sni.. ak hargai,sayang , rindu korg smpai bile2.. xmgkin ader ganti nyer stiap korg ni kat ak..stiap dari korg ader keistimewaan yg ak xkn boleh lupe seumur hidup ak! fwen 4 eva! insyAllah, amin!

Teman Setia

lagu ni ak tujukan tok semua sahabat2 ak.. harap semua dah jauh2 ni jgn lupe ak..ak harap sgt persahabatan kiter berkekalan..insyAllah..amin..
ak rindu korg!!!!!!!!